Mugabe Family Photo - Attending the Agricultural Show

The Mugabe Family at the Harare Showgrounds on Friday: from left is Robert Mugabe Jnr, Bona Mugabe, who is at University in Hong Kong and whose house there was the subject of international attention when it was photographed by the Sunday Times of London, then Chatunga Mugabe, the last born and Grace Mugabe, the First Lady.

Harare, Zimbabwe, 31 August 2009

It appears Robert "The Solution" Mugabe's daughter, Bona, flew back with her father from Dubai last week and the whole family was at the Showgrounds for the opening of the Harare Agricultural Show by Jacob Zuma.

I just wonder what the deal is with Robert Junior and Chatunga straightening their hair!

I thought you may enjoy this photograph, published over the weekend here in Zimbabwe.


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