27 July 2009: Diesel From A Rock Medium Was Aided and Abeted By Registrar-General

Big Man humiliated: Didymus Mutasa, former Defence Minister Sydney Sekeremayi, Kembo Mohadi, Minister of Home Affairs and other senior ZANU PF officials are seen here paying homage to the woman who claimed diesel was seeing from a rock out in Chinoyi. It turns out she has a lot of support from senior echelons of government and remains abroad, allegedly in Guruve, unmolested, even as her trial and sentencing proceeded in her abscence. Some governmen officials are still paying her visits.
Shocking revealations today about how the n'anga (medicine woman) who fooled Mugabe's government with cliams of diesel pouring from a rock managed to pull it off.
The n'anga, told the court that she got some of the diesel to pour into pipes hidden in this hills from Tobaiwa Mudede, the Registrar-General.
Mudede has not been questioned or tried in connection with this. The Registrar-General keeps a very low profile.
Rotina Mavhunga, the spirit medium, is still on the run. Although several government officials and even cabinet ministers know of her hideout in Guruve, they are keeping mum.
Mugabe told a rally that his government was going to hound the woman, saying, "Tichanosvitsana kutsime." He quickly toned down saying "we will not be too hard on her, but we want her to tell us where she got the plans to do this," he said as he smiled.
The medium was also asked for advice and potent medicine by several politicians who are eyeing the presidency and Mugabe also publicly commented about this.
Zimbabwe's desperation at the height of fuel shortages saw the government send teams to the Chinhoyi hills to verify Rotina Mavhunga's claims. They came back with the report that there was indeed something to the story and in the end, as the medium continued making demands of government in order to reveal the source, Mugabe grew impatient.
"I told them to go back and come back with a conclusive explanation. I told them to go there and rip off those pipes, " he told an Independence Day gathering at Gwanzura Stadium.
Thus was the hoax exposed.
But still, some politicians believe in her and are still paying homage.
And these are the people in charge of the country?
God help us.
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