Tsvangirai Alive And Alert - He's Been Shown On Zimbabwe TV Minutes Ago

Morgan Tsvangirai, seen here voting with his wife, Susan, who died today in a car accident. ZTV are refusing to confirm her death

Morgan Tsvangirai has just been shown on Zimbabwe television lying on a hospital bed at Avenues Clinic in Harare, surrounded by Mugabe, his wife, Gideon Gono and other ZANU PF ministers.

His forehead is very swollen and he is in a neck brace. What is clear from the footage I am seeing on TV right now is that Tsvangirai, although badly hurt, is not in any danger. 

The Prime Minister's hospital bed is surrounded at the moment by the following people who are being shown on Zimbabwe Television:

Robert Mugabe, Grace Mugabe, Joice Mujuru, Saviour Kasukuwere (ZANU PF minister), Welshman Ncube (of the MDC faction that broke away from Tsvangirai), Gideon Gono and quite a crowd of other people no one recognises (I presume they are Mugabe's security detail).

Mugabe stayed at Tsvangirai's bedside for an hour and a half and is now back at his home in Helensvale.

When Mugabe arrived at the private hospital where Tsvangirai is being treated, he was made to wait for 30 minutes before he was allowed to go in and see Tsvangirai, according to Zimbabwe Television reports.

Morgan Tsvangirai's car, his usual Toyota Landcruiser, rolled THREE times after it was hit by a haulage truck carrying maize into the starving country.

Mrs Tsvangirai bore the full brunt of the impact of the haulage truck (called Gonyeti in Zimbabwe) because the driver swerved to avoid the truck that had strayed into their path. If he had not done so, there would have been a head-on impact.

But in swerving, the back half of the car veered to the right and was hit straight on by the truck. Mrs Tsvangirai was sitting on the right hand side of the car, at the back, so the impact caught her fully.


  1. Hello.. I am Indra... I from Palembang, Indonesian Countries..I happy to have you read the blog ..
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  2. Hello Denford,I have read this news, so sad,by the way, thank you so much for the comments...I have something for you in my site...http://hueandhysteria.com/2009/03/thank-you-guys.html

  3. Thanks Denford.But you guys should have better security than that for The PM.I read on another blog that the undercarriage of the Landcruiser was broken.How far true is that?When was the car up for tune ups and were did it go? The haulage truck belonged to which company?are you in a position to answer all these questions Denford?where is the wreckage of the car now?Do you have any photos?

  4. The car that Morgan was in came from the MDC....he apparently had refused a government car and....

    Washington - The truck involved in the car crash that killed the wife of Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai belonged to a contractor working for the US and British governments, ABC News said on Friday quoting unnamed US officials.

    The truck, which had a USAID insignia on it, was purchased by US government funds and its driver was hired by a British development agency, the report said.


  5. Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Keep up the good work..Do find time to drop by my site and post your views... Take care.. Cheers mate!!!


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