Simba Makoni's Statement: The Way Forward For Zimbabwe - Vision and Values

We are especially keen to hear your thoughts, comments, suggestions (and objections) on this statement. We believe it to be an important Position paper for Dr Makoni. He would like to hear how his fellow citizens receive it and also see how your input can be incorporated into this basic platform for advocacy. I should just tell you that Dr Makoni himself denies that he is a politician. "I am an activist." That position he has always maintained from the first day we all started working with him. An activist, you see, adopts causes. An activist acts out of principle and compassion. An activist never looks at what he can get out of a cause but what he can give it. I think it important to keep this in mind as you read.
Your comments can be added using the "comment" link at the bottom of this piece. Please do not use the chatroll for your serious input and message to Dr Makoni, because teh chatroll does not store any messages. The comments section, preserves your comments permanently, for retrieval later by Dr Makoni, perhaps on Monday, upon his return from South Africa. The power-sharing, inclusive government talks currently going on there have also really now ceased to be funny. Thing is, it appears Mugabe is now hell bent on destroying this agreement. His unilateral reappointment of Gono today shows that he is now like a bull in a China shop. He wants to get back at the South Africans for the retention of farm aid that would have kept his regime afloat a little while longer. The quiet diplomacy of Mbeki has ensured that Mugabe stays his hand on the more radical positions that he is, by his very nature, inclined towards. Now, South Africa has has taken the first step in taking the golves off. The question is whether they can carry this new approach to its logical conclusion. It is doubtful, because, even as the Zimbabwe all-inclusive negotiations started in South Africa, the ANC, Chama Chama Pinduzi, FRELIMO, UNITA an SWAPO were releasing a statement of solidarity in the very same country. They also managed to whistle at the wind, calling for the West to dump its sanctions against Zimbabwe. The answer is contained in the announcement today by the USA of more sanctions on the beleagured dictatorship. John Bredenkamp, an astonishingly wealthy Zimbabwe (he is listed in the London Sunday Times Annual Rich List, had every single one of his companies all over the world blacklisted for being linked to Mugabe. He lives here, and is probably the only person in Zimbabwe with permissionto overfly State House airspace, which he does every morning as he flies his helicopter to work in the Industria areas......anyway, here's Simba:
I am greatly honoured and privileged to be here today. I am also deeply grateful to CPIA, for giving me the opportunity to come back home to Manicaland.
I readily accepted your invitation, because I was excited about the prospect of meeting a cross section of Zimbabwean leaders. In an effort to address the subject I have chosen, I will share some reflections on the subject of leadership. Specifically, I shall discuss factors impacting on the legitimacy, credibility and integrity of Zimbabwean, may be even African leadership. Whereas these reflections are about leadership broadly, and pointing to the leadership qualities I consider necessary for transforming our country and its people’s lives, I trust that you will find the discussion relevant to your own areas of engagement, as well.
I am going to share with you my vision for Zimbabwe, and what leadership is required to attain such a vision. My vision for our country is very simple. It is a Zimbabwe in which all the peoples have a better life than today, and a continually improving life; a Zimbabwe in which all the peoples are at peace with themselves and their neighbours, free of fear and want, secure and enjoying equal rights before the law, and equal opportunities for their sustenance. Such a Zimbabwe comes from a combination of good leadership, and disciplined, hard working and law abiding citizens.
In this discussion, my main proposition is that, we, as leaders, need to identify and characterise the problems facing our communities, associations, enterprises, or other groupings we lead. We also need to understand and empathise with the yearnings and ambitions of those same communities.
Then, we proceed to formulate responses to those problems, yearnings and ambitions, and execute those responses in ways that help those constituencies fulfil their ambitions and/or overcome challenges; in other words, execute those responses in ways that empower the people to achieve their ambitions. This way, I believe we shall have exercised good leadership. And when we exercise good leadership, we offer individual people, communities and society as a whole, hope and opportunities for betterment.
Mr Chairman
I define the basic mission of leadership as being `to serve’. Assuming this definition, I want to suggest that the Zimbabwean nation is facing a deep, and deepening crisis, which arises mainly from the abandonment, by those in leadership positions, of the basic mission of leadership, in preference to themselves being served.
Because of this introversion of the mission of leadership, we see leaders seeking services from those they are suppose to serve. We also see pervasive styles and forms of leadership that demand rote obedience and subservience from the led. In addition, we see leaders strive to ingratiate themselves with those they lead, through the extension of unearned and undeserved favours.
In its report entitled "OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD" the UN Commission on Global Governance asserts that:
... leadership ... is urgently needed, ... leadership of a different character, ...(leadership) in which commitment to public service (is) sought among politicians, civil servants, voluntary organisations, private enterprise, and, indeed, throughout civil society.
Leadership that draws its strength from solidarity, much more than from authority, ... (and)... operates by persuasion, cooperation and consensus, than by imposition.
(OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD: Report of the Commission on Global Governance; Oxford University Press 1995)
I, therefore, propose to you that the most critical challenge facing Zimbabwean leadership today, whether it is leadership in public politics, leadership in business, leadership in the church, etc., is the need to re-affirm and re-assert the mission of service. Those leaders, who serve genuinely and honestly, will also gain credibility, integrity and legitimacy for themselves, and for their organisations. And those communities and organisations, whose leaders exhibit these qualities, will in turn, make progress and achieve success; in other words, they will advance towards my vision for our country.
Another challenge leaders face, even those who are genuine and honest, is how best to exercise their leadership to benefit those they lead. Quite often, leaders become impediments to the progress of their constituents.
This arises when leaders, usually with good intent, arrogate to themselves the principal function of doing things for their followers. How many times do we witness leaders promise people ... "we will do this for you, and we will give you that".
This `doing for or giving to’, circumscribes the right of people to do things for themselves, and curtails their latitude to take initiatives, or put simply, dis-empowers people.
This arrogation, followed, as usually happens, by the inability and/or failure of leaders to deliver on the promises; has dealt a mortal blow to the legitimacy, credibility and integrity of Zimbabwean leadership.
I would, therefore, like to urge those of us in leadership, which is all of us here today; to accept that our main role is to facilitate, guide and assist those we lead, so that they themselves, successfully and/or effectively do what they have to do. I plead, for the sake of good leadership, that we let people do things for themselves; that we get out of their way, and remove impediments to their-self actualisation or empowerment.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
Leadership demands that one has a clear vision, and understands fully the mission of the organisation they lead. But, it is not enough for the leader alone to have such a vision; because its realisation depends, to a large extent, on it being understood and shared by all the people of the organisation. Armed with such a vision, the leader is challenged to inculcate the same among those that he/she leads. The leader must, therefore, strive to build a team that is motivated to achieve the vision.
How often have we heard our leaders lament that we do not have a shared or common vision. Yet they have never defined that vision in ways that people understand, ways that people can relate to their own every day life experiences, and ways that inspire people to adopt such vision for themselves and their families. All we get is constant and consistent injunction to be patriotic and defend our sovereignty (so-va-re-ni-ti).
Here, psychologist Ernest Becker has a useful tip to share on leadership:
Man (also read woman) is driven by an essential "dualism"; he/(she) needs both to be a part of something, and to stick out. He/(she) needs ... to be a conforming member of a winning team, and (also) to be a star in his/(her) own right.
(Escape From Evil: Ernest Becker; New York Free Press 1975)
In the same vein, Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman Jr., in their book "IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE", have this to say:
Professionalism in management, (which) is regularly equated with hard-headed rationality, ... doesn't instruct our leaders in the rock-bottom importance of making the average Joe a hero and a consistent winner. It doesn't show us how strongly workers can identify with the work they do, if we give them a little say-so.
(IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE: Thomas J Peters, Robert H Waterman Jr.; Warner Books 1982)
I find our country, and indeed many of our businesses and other organisations run in archaic autocratic ways, with leaders steeped in the culture of power, command and control. They believe that the more they direct and order people from the dizzying heights of the executive control room, the more they can get out of people.
Peter Block, in his book "THE EMPOWERED MANAGER" has the following sobering thought to share:
There is a quiet revolution taking place in many organisations, ... (caused by) ... the growing realisation that tighter controls, greater pressure ... and tighter supervision have ... run their (full) course in their ability to give productivity gains. Attention is shifting to the need for employees to take responsibility for the success of business.
(THE EMPOWERED MANAGER: Peter Block; Jossey- Bass Publishers 1987)
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is not possible to discuss honestly and conscienably, the challenges of leadership in Zimbabwe today, without addressing the scourge of corruption. Just as HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic, decimating families, societies and nations; so also is corruption a similar economic, social and moral pandemic.
There is very little new I can add to the characterisation of corruption, and its effects on our lives. However, you and I know that it is those who are endowed, either with the resources to offer bribes, or with the power to extort bribes, who nourish and nurture corruption. This means the rich and powerful; for the poor and weak have neither the resources nor the power with which to corrupt others.
Politics is the one area that is open to corrupt practices. In "THE EMPOWERED MANAGER", Peter Block says:
Politics as we know it, is synonymous with manipulation, ... it has come to mean actions that are in the service of our own self-interest.
We all know that the practice of politics is not limited to public life. As human beings are political animals, there is politics in every arena of human endeavour; there is politics in business, politics in sports, politics in the church, politics in community service, and even politics in families.
A most pervasive, and apparently generally accepted, form of corruption in our societies, is the subjugation of the normal functioning of systems to the whims of power, and the lure of purchase. Put simply, it goes something like ... "you may not get what you want or need, unless you know someone who knows someone else who is in power". We all know the Actonian cliche ..."Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Let me share with you an encounter I had with this form of corruption a couple of years ago. A niece of mine passed `O' Level exams well. She had applied to enrol at a Teacher Training College.
Just before the start of term, her father asked me to talk to the College Principal, to explain that the young lady was my niece; in order to enhance her chances of acceptance. "But why do we need to do that", I asked naively, "when the child's examination results qualify her anyway, to enter the college"?
"You know nothing my brother", the father retorted. "Unless you are well connected, your good results will count for nothing these days".
How many times does this happen with job seekers, candidates for promotion in our organisations, villagers needing Bacossi items, farmers seeking agricultural inputs and implements?
I wish to suggest, therefore, that one of the severest tests of the legitimacy, credibility and integrity of our leadership, is the extent to which we resist and fight the juggernaut of corruption. Leaders need to re-establish the reliability and predictability of systems; systems that assure, as well as secure basic justice and fair play for all. We need to build people’s faith and confidence in the proper working of systems. Whether it is promotion in a company, securing an appointment with a public officer, getting a scholarship for further education or receiving drought relief rations; transparent, accountable and verifiable criteria and procedures, ought to be the hallmarks of our new Zimbabwe, and of the integrity and credibility of its new leadership and management.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
We are all judged more by our actions than our words. In this respect, leadership faces another critical challenge. Do we lead by example? How often do we hear leaders shout their voices hoarse, denouncing one vice or another, and yet they themselves are at the forefront of its commission.
Ordinarily, the performance of institutions is measured by the performance of their leaders. It is futile for the Bishop to preach righteousness and compassion, when he is known to be cruel and uncaring; the General Manager to urge his workforce to higher productivity, and to protect company assets, when he is frequently not at the factory, and abuses company assets for personal gain; or for politicians to advocate for honesty and justice in society, when, in their quest to gain or retain office, they have no regard for honesty and justice.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Another important facet of my vision for our country, relates to the place or role of our womenfolk, in the various fields of endeavour. I regret that, overall, our societies are quite conservative on this matter.
Black and white men, or rural and urban men, and ironically, certain categories and generations of women too; find common cause and ground in their indifference to the plight, or marginalisation of women. One female manager had this to say about the subject:
... Despite government putting in place statutes and structures to promote affirmative action for women in formal employment, societal and organisational cultures continue to militate against women realising equal opportunities.
(Executive Magazine, November 1995)
In 1996, the little known area of Nswazi, in Matabeleland, gained prominence in world news bulletins, because men in that community were refusing to accept a twenty three year old, un-married lady chief, even after her appointment had been determined by the clan elders.
Of course, this problem is not unique to Zimbabwe or Africa. Here is a revealing observation by a woman activist from an African country:
At the UN Decade for Women Conference in Nairobi in 1985, I noticed that several countries sent men at the head of their delegations, or ... (to) the crucial sessions dealing with contentious questions. Maureen Reagan, who headed the US delegation, appeared only on the first day, and on the next, flew off ... to watch wild animals; cynically, a Negro man was relied upon to negotiate for America on the critical issues.
(Women in Southern Africa Ed. Christine Qunta; Skotaville Publishers, Braamfontein; 1987)
In many countries, processes are in train to increase the participation and representation of women, especially in public offices, - quotas for women MPs, cabinet ministers, local councilors, etc. But I wonder how many corporate executive suites and board rooms, are occupied by women? How many civil society organizations are led by women? How many parishes are shepperded by women priests? We all know the contention in the world Anglican church over ordaining women priests. Yet, the fullest deployment of women in all our endeavours would deliver a key factor of empowerment, competence and competitiveness.
Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, the Pulitzer Prize winning authors of The Commanding Heights – The Battle for the World Economy define the contemporary business context as follows:
All around the globe, socialists are embracing capitalism, governments are selling off nationalised companies, state control is being jettisoned in favour of entrepreneurship. Politicians admit that governments can longer afford expensive welfare states. These changes are opening up new prospects and opportunities throughout the world. (However), these shifts are also engendering new anxieties and insecurities among many.
Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, Pulitzer prize winner – The Commanding Heights – The Battle for the World Economy
In creating and pursuing our vision for Zimbabwe, the strategic leadership role of government needs to be recognised and accepted. In this era of de-regulation, marketisation and privatisation, otherwise called globalisation, we need to be careful to strike a balance between ideologically motivated roll-back of the state, and pragmatic division of labour among the various national actors. A writer in the Director magazine, had this to say on the role of government:
One of the great paradoxes of our time is that, … just when the ... aging and less secure populations need public services most, governments almost everywhere are paring back their welfare budgets; ... (imposing) severe social strains; ... which require more, not less, government.
(Director, January 1996)
The two statements above, do not only present the dichotomy and dilemma of today’s global context, but also, if not more so, posit the parameters for a new vision for our country.
Ironically, the current financial crisis, mainly in the USA and Europe, has generated responses from governments that were unthinkable in the ideology of free markets and the context of globalisation. Commentators have constantly used the term nationalisation, to describe George Bush’s bail out plan for banks and mortgage lenders; this being done by the most radical free marketeer, since Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher. The point here is that flexibility, pragmatism and realism are more portent tools than ideology and dogma. This is an important lesson for our old guard leaders to take.
Many citizens, especially those in business and the professions, will be excited about, and enthused by the partnership approach proffered by the `Three Party Agreement’ of September 15 2008, in the form of the National Economic Council. As you know, we have had the National Economic Consultative Forum (NECF) and the Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF), whose contribution to our welfare, have been modest, if we be polite.
These cooperative ventures can be effective tools for achieving our vision for Zimbabwe. But the promise of these partnerships can only be fully realised, if the partners are genuine, and participate fully and effectively.
Mobilisation for our vision needs to be enriched by an activist academic and research sector, that must probe and analyse issues, ask why or why not. These fundis must then proffer ideas, sound advice and practicable solutions to our problems.
In addition, we need an incisive media that is not acquiescent, pliant or timid; media that informs factually, commentates objectively and interprets correctly.
Yes, the media must be patriotic, but not parochial or partisan. It needs to read the pulse of the nation, and then accurately reflect and transmit that image back to the nation and the world.
Our new Zimbabwe needs to be buttressed by a confident and assertive civil society, one that demands accountability and performance. That civil society must know and claim its rights, demand to be served well, and reward generously for such service; it must not be cowed down or intimidated by the bullies in high offices.
In our country, the business of government, and government business, need to be made less private, and more public. Such public accountability must be the pivot of our new Zimbabwe. The veils of secrecy that provide cover for incompetence, nepotism and corruption must be blown to smithereens.
Ladies and Gentlemen
As I already said, my vision for our country is not complex, and need not be produced from volumes of theses. It is simple, a Zimbabwe in which all citizens:
are equal, both in the letter and the practice of the law;
enjoy full freedom, peace and stability; and,
have unfettered access to opportunities for cultural, economic and social development.
My yearning is for a Zimbabwean leadership that is dedicated to the mission of service, what is otherwise called `servant leadership’. I further suggest to you that the best leaders are also the best followers, those who listen to, and take advice.
Today, we gather here, as leaders in Zimbabwe. I, therefore, urge us to re-dedicate ourselves to the mission of service;
· to serve honestly and conscientiously;
· to advance the frontiers of our people’s freedom;
· to give the people we lead space, to take initiatives; and,
· to join the growing army of those fighting corruption and dictatorship in our country.
Mr Chairman
Allow me latitude to run a short informercial. The volunteers who supported my campaign for president in the March 2008 election, have agreed with me that our country needs a new political player, that identifies and stands with the disenfranchised, disempowered, impoverished and alienated people. A draft constitution has been produced, and nationwide consultations have commenced, to produce a road map towards the launch of a political party to succeed the Mavambo.Kusile.Dawn Movement of volunteers. The following are the proposed vision and values of the new party:
To build a stable, peaceful, united, progressive and progressing Zimbabwe, where the rights and freedoms of all citizens are promoted and protected, where diversity of opinions is tolerated and encouraged, in order to achieve national consensus.
All people are entitled to, and shall enjoy basic human rights and freedoms.
All people are equal before the law, regardless of their race, ethnicity, colour, language, gender, religion, opinion, social or other status.
All people are bound by and shall uphold the following values:
· Accountability, Openness, Pluralism and Tolerance;
· Democracy;
· Empowerment and Entrepreneurship;
· Ethical Leadership and Membership;
· Equality and Fairness;
· Honesty and Integrity;
· Meritocracy and National Participation and Representation; and,
· Patriotism.
We believe that this vision, and these values resonate with those of the people of Zimbabwe, and that the party to be guided by them will lead our country and its people into a better future.
I am greatly honoured and privileged to be here today. I am also deeply grateful to CPIA, for giving me the opportunity to come back home to Manicaland.
I readily accepted your invitation, because I was excited about the prospect of meeting a cross section of Zimbabwean leaders. In an effort to address the subject I have chosen, I will share some reflections on the subject of leadership. Specifically, I shall discuss factors impacting on the legitimacy, credibility and integrity of Zimbabwean, may be even African leadership. Whereas these reflections are about leadership broadly, and pointing to the leadership qualities I consider necessary for transforming our country and its people’s lives, I trust that you will find the discussion relevant to your own areas of engagement, as well.
I am going to share with you my vision for Zimbabwe, and what leadership is required to attain such a vision. My vision for our country is very simple. It is a Zimbabwe in which all the peoples have a better life than today, and a continually improving life; a Zimbabwe in which all the peoples are at peace with themselves and their neighbours, free of fear and want, secure and enjoying equal rights before the law, and equal opportunities for their sustenance. Such a Zimbabwe comes from a combination of good leadership, and disciplined, hard working and law abiding citizens.
In this discussion, my main proposition is that, we, as leaders, need to identify and characterise the problems facing our communities, associations, enterprises, or other groupings we lead. We also need to understand and empathise with the yearnings and ambitions of those same communities.
Then, we proceed to formulate responses to those problems, yearnings and ambitions, and execute those responses in ways that help those constituencies fulfil their ambitions and/or overcome challenges; in other words, execute those responses in ways that empower the people to achieve their ambitions. This way, I believe we shall have exercised good leadership. And when we exercise good leadership, we offer individual people, communities and society as a whole, hope and opportunities for betterment.
Mr Chairman
I define the basic mission of leadership as being `to serve’. Assuming this definition, I want to suggest that the Zimbabwean nation is facing a deep, and deepening crisis, which arises mainly from the abandonment, by those in leadership positions, of the basic mission of leadership, in preference to themselves being served.
Because of this introversion of the mission of leadership, we see leaders seeking services from those they are suppose to serve. We also see pervasive styles and forms of leadership that demand rote obedience and subservience from the led. In addition, we see leaders strive to ingratiate themselves with those they lead, through the extension of unearned and undeserved favours.
In its report entitled "OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD" the UN Commission on Global Governance asserts that:
... leadership ... is urgently needed, ... leadership of a different character, ...(leadership) in which commitment to public service (is) sought among politicians, civil servants, voluntary organisations, private enterprise, and, indeed, throughout civil society.
Leadership that draws its strength from solidarity, much more than from authority, ... (and)... operates by persuasion, cooperation and consensus, than by imposition.
(OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD: Report of the Commission on Global Governance; Oxford University Press 1995)
I, therefore, propose to you that the most critical challenge facing Zimbabwean leadership today, whether it is leadership in public politics, leadership in business, leadership in the church, etc., is the need to re-affirm and re-assert the mission of service. Those leaders, who serve genuinely and honestly, will also gain credibility, integrity and legitimacy for themselves, and for their organisations. And those communities and organisations, whose leaders exhibit these qualities, will in turn, make progress and achieve success; in other words, they will advance towards my vision for our country.
Another challenge leaders face, even those who are genuine and honest, is how best to exercise their leadership to benefit those they lead. Quite often, leaders become impediments to the progress of their constituents.
This arises when leaders, usually with good intent, arrogate to themselves the principal function of doing things for their followers. How many times do we witness leaders promise people ... "we will do this for you, and we will give you that".
This `doing for or giving to’, circumscribes the right of people to do things for themselves, and curtails their latitude to take initiatives, or put simply, dis-empowers people.
This arrogation, followed, as usually happens, by the inability and/or failure of leaders to deliver on the promises; has dealt a mortal blow to the legitimacy, credibility and integrity of Zimbabwean leadership.
I would, therefore, like to urge those of us in leadership, which is all of us here today; to accept that our main role is to facilitate, guide and assist those we lead, so that they themselves, successfully and/or effectively do what they have to do. I plead, for the sake of good leadership, that we let people do things for themselves; that we get out of their way, and remove impediments to their-self actualisation or empowerment.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
Leadership demands that one has a clear vision, and understands fully the mission of the organisation they lead. But, it is not enough for the leader alone to have such a vision; because its realisation depends, to a large extent, on it being understood and shared by all the people of the organisation. Armed with such a vision, the leader is challenged to inculcate the same among those that he/she leads. The leader must, therefore, strive to build a team that is motivated to achieve the vision.
How often have we heard our leaders lament that we do not have a shared or common vision. Yet they have never defined that vision in ways that people understand, ways that people can relate to their own every day life experiences, and ways that inspire people to adopt such vision for themselves and their families. All we get is constant and consistent injunction to be patriotic and defend our sovereignty (so-va-re-ni-ti).
Here, psychologist Ernest Becker has a useful tip to share on leadership:
Man (also read woman) is driven by an essential "dualism"; he/(she) needs both to be a part of something, and to stick out. He/(she) needs ... to be a conforming member of a winning team, and (also) to be a star in his/(her) own right.
(Escape From Evil: Ernest Becker; New York Free Press 1975)
In the same vein, Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman Jr., in their book "IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE", have this to say:
Professionalism in management, (which) is regularly equated with hard-headed rationality, ... doesn't instruct our leaders in the rock-bottom importance of making the average Joe a hero and a consistent winner. It doesn't show us how strongly workers can identify with the work they do, if we give them a little say-so.
(IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE: Thomas J Peters, Robert H Waterman Jr.; Warner Books 1982)
I find our country, and indeed many of our businesses and other organisations run in archaic autocratic ways, with leaders steeped in the culture of power, command and control. They believe that the more they direct and order people from the dizzying heights of the executive control room, the more they can get out of people.
Peter Block, in his book "THE EMPOWERED MANAGER" has the following sobering thought to share:
There is a quiet revolution taking place in many organisations, ... (caused by) ... the growing realisation that tighter controls, greater pressure ... and tighter supervision have ... run their (full) course in their ability to give productivity gains. Attention is shifting to the need for employees to take responsibility for the success of business.
(THE EMPOWERED MANAGER: Peter Block; Jossey- Bass Publishers 1987)
Ladies and Gentlemen
It is not possible to discuss honestly and conscienably, the challenges of leadership in Zimbabwe today, without addressing the scourge of corruption. Just as HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic, decimating families, societies and nations; so also is corruption a similar economic, social and moral pandemic.
There is very little new I can add to the characterisation of corruption, and its effects on our lives. However, you and I know that it is those who are endowed, either with the resources to offer bribes, or with the power to extort bribes, who nourish and nurture corruption. This means the rich and powerful; for the poor and weak have neither the resources nor the power with which to corrupt others.
Politics is the one area that is open to corrupt practices. In "THE EMPOWERED MANAGER", Peter Block says:
Politics as we know it, is synonymous with manipulation, ... it has come to mean actions that are in the service of our own self-interest.
We all know that the practice of politics is not limited to public life. As human beings are political animals, there is politics in every arena of human endeavour; there is politics in business, politics in sports, politics in the church, politics in community service, and even politics in families.
A most pervasive, and apparently generally accepted, form of corruption in our societies, is the subjugation of the normal functioning of systems to the whims of power, and the lure of purchase. Put simply, it goes something like ... "you may not get what you want or need, unless you know someone who knows someone else who is in power". We all know the Actonian cliche ..."Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Let me share with you an encounter I had with this form of corruption a couple of years ago. A niece of mine passed `O' Level exams well. She had applied to enrol at a Teacher Training College.
Just before the start of term, her father asked me to talk to the College Principal, to explain that the young lady was my niece; in order to enhance her chances of acceptance. "But why do we need to do that", I asked naively, "when the child's examination results qualify her anyway, to enter the college"?
"You know nothing my brother", the father retorted. "Unless you are well connected, your good results will count for nothing these days".
How many times does this happen with job seekers, candidates for promotion in our organisations, villagers needing Bacossi items, farmers seeking agricultural inputs and implements?
I wish to suggest, therefore, that one of the severest tests of the legitimacy, credibility and integrity of our leadership, is the extent to which we resist and fight the juggernaut of corruption. Leaders need to re-establish the reliability and predictability of systems; systems that assure, as well as secure basic justice and fair play for all. We need to build people’s faith and confidence in the proper working of systems. Whether it is promotion in a company, securing an appointment with a public officer, getting a scholarship for further education or receiving drought relief rations; transparent, accountable and verifiable criteria and procedures, ought to be the hallmarks of our new Zimbabwe, and of the integrity and credibility of its new leadership and management.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
We are all judged more by our actions than our words. In this respect, leadership faces another critical challenge. Do we lead by example? How often do we hear leaders shout their voices hoarse, denouncing one vice or another, and yet they themselves are at the forefront of its commission.
Ordinarily, the performance of institutions is measured by the performance of their leaders. It is futile for the Bishop to preach righteousness and compassion, when he is known to be cruel and uncaring; the General Manager to urge his workforce to higher productivity, and to protect company assets, when he is frequently not at the factory, and abuses company assets for personal gain; or for politicians to advocate for honesty and justice in society, when, in their quest to gain or retain office, they have no regard for honesty and justice.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Another important facet of my vision for our country, relates to the place or role of our womenfolk, in the various fields of endeavour. I regret that, overall, our societies are quite conservative on this matter.
Black and white men, or rural and urban men, and ironically, certain categories and generations of women too; find common cause and ground in their indifference to the plight, or marginalisation of women. One female manager had this to say about the subject:
... Despite government putting in place statutes and structures to promote affirmative action for women in formal employment, societal and organisational cultures continue to militate against women realising equal opportunities.
(Executive Magazine, November 1995)
In 1996, the little known area of Nswazi, in Matabeleland, gained prominence in world news bulletins, because men in that community were refusing to accept a twenty three year old, un-married lady chief, even after her appointment had been determined by the clan elders.
Of course, this problem is not unique to Zimbabwe or Africa. Here is a revealing observation by a woman activist from an African country:
At the UN Decade for Women Conference in Nairobi in 1985, I noticed that several countries sent men at the head of their delegations, or ... (to) the crucial sessions dealing with contentious questions. Maureen Reagan, who headed the US delegation, appeared only on the first day, and on the next, flew off ... to watch wild animals; cynically, a Negro man was relied upon to negotiate for America on the critical issues.
(Women in Southern Africa Ed. Christine Qunta; Skotaville Publishers, Braamfontein; 1987)
In many countries, processes are in train to increase the participation and representation of women, especially in public offices, - quotas for women MPs, cabinet ministers, local councilors, etc. But I wonder how many corporate executive suites and board rooms, are occupied by women? How many civil society organizations are led by women? How many parishes are shepperded by women priests? We all know the contention in the world Anglican church over ordaining women priests. Yet, the fullest deployment of women in all our endeavours would deliver a key factor of empowerment, competence and competitiveness.
Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, the Pulitzer Prize winning authors of The Commanding Heights – The Battle for the World Economy define the contemporary business context as follows:
All around the globe, socialists are embracing capitalism, governments are selling off nationalised companies, state control is being jettisoned in favour of entrepreneurship. Politicians admit that governments can longer afford expensive welfare states. These changes are opening up new prospects and opportunities throughout the world. (However), these shifts are also engendering new anxieties and insecurities among many.
Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, Pulitzer prize winner – The Commanding Heights – The Battle for the World Economy
In creating and pursuing our vision for Zimbabwe, the strategic leadership role of government needs to be recognised and accepted. In this era of de-regulation, marketisation and privatisation, otherwise called globalisation, we need to be careful to strike a balance between ideologically motivated roll-back of the state, and pragmatic division of labour among the various national actors. A writer in the Director magazine, had this to say on the role of government:
One of the great paradoxes of our time is that, … just when the ... aging and less secure populations need public services most, governments almost everywhere are paring back their welfare budgets; ... (imposing) severe social strains; ... which require more, not less, government.
(Director, January 1996)
The two statements above, do not only present the dichotomy and dilemma of today’s global context, but also, if not more so, posit the parameters for a new vision for our country.
Ironically, the current financial crisis, mainly in the USA and Europe, has generated responses from governments that were unthinkable in the ideology of free markets and the context of globalisation. Commentators have constantly used the term nationalisation, to describe George Bush’s bail out plan for banks and mortgage lenders; this being done by the most radical free marketeer, since Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher. The point here is that flexibility, pragmatism and realism are more portent tools than ideology and dogma. This is an important lesson for our old guard leaders to take.
Many citizens, especially those in business and the professions, will be excited about, and enthused by the partnership approach proffered by the `Three Party Agreement’ of September 15 2008, in the form of the National Economic Council. As you know, we have had the National Economic Consultative Forum (NECF) and the Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF), whose contribution to our welfare, have been modest, if we be polite.
These cooperative ventures can be effective tools for achieving our vision for Zimbabwe. But the promise of these partnerships can only be fully realised, if the partners are genuine, and participate fully and effectively.
Mobilisation for our vision needs to be enriched by an activist academic and research sector, that must probe and analyse issues, ask why or why not. These fundis must then proffer ideas, sound advice and practicable solutions to our problems.
In addition, we need an incisive media that is not acquiescent, pliant or timid; media that informs factually, commentates objectively and interprets correctly.
Yes, the media must be patriotic, but not parochial or partisan. It needs to read the pulse of the nation, and then accurately reflect and transmit that image back to the nation and the world.
Our new Zimbabwe needs to be buttressed by a confident and assertive civil society, one that demands accountability and performance. That civil society must know and claim its rights, demand to be served well, and reward generously for such service; it must not be cowed down or intimidated by the bullies in high offices.
In our country, the business of government, and government business, need to be made less private, and more public. Such public accountability must be the pivot of our new Zimbabwe. The veils of secrecy that provide cover for incompetence, nepotism and corruption must be blown to smithereens.
Ladies and Gentlemen
As I already said, my vision for our country is not complex, and need not be produced from volumes of theses. It is simple, a Zimbabwe in which all citizens:
are equal, both in the letter and the practice of the law;
enjoy full freedom, peace and stability; and,
have unfettered access to opportunities for cultural, economic and social development.
My yearning is for a Zimbabwean leadership that is dedicated to the mission of service, what is otherwise called `servant leadership’. I further suggest to you that the best leaders are also the best followers, those who listen to, and take advice.
Today, we gather here, as leaders in Zimbabwe. I, therefore, urge us to re-dedicate ourselves to the mission of service;
· to serve honestly and conscientiously;
· to advance the frontiers of our people’s freedom;
· to give the people we lead space, to take initiatives; and,
· to join the growing army of those fighting corruption and dictatorship in our country.
Mr Chairman
Allow me latitude to run a short informercial. The volunteers who supported my campaign for president in the March 2008 election, have agreed with me that our country needs a new political player, that identifies and stands with the disenfranchised, disempowered, impoverished and alienated people. A draft constitution has been produced, and nationwide consultations have commenced, to produce a road map towards the launch of a political party to succeed the Mavambo.Kusile.Dawn Movement of volunteers. The following are the proposed vision and values of the new party:
To build a stable, peaceful, united, progressive and progressing Zimbabwe, where the rights and freedoms of all citizens are promoted and protected, where diversity of opinions is tolerated and encouraged, in order to achieve national consensus.
All people are entitled to, and shall enjoy basic human rights and freedoms.
All people are equal before the law, regardless of their race, ethnicity, colour, language, gender, religion, opinion, social or other status.
All people are bound by and shall uphold the following values:
· Accountability, Openness, Pluralism and Tolerance;
· Democracy;
· Empowerment and Entrepreneurship;
· Ethical Leadership and Membership;
· Equality and Fairness;
· Honesty and Integrity;
· Meritocracy and National Participation and Representation; and,
· Patriotism.
We believe that this vision, and these values resonate with those of the people of Zimbabwe, and that the party to be guided by them will lead our country and its people into a better future.
Dr. Im happy to here from you, and your vision is so convencing and interesting. My main worry is are we not delaying taking action on our country because truely speaking we as a nation are on a free fall. Im of the opinion that you can just take over from bob th soonest, Tsvangison is direction less. the questin is how - but my suggestion is you go public telling people that you are ready to take over as interim president while these guys are finalising their neg. and you pave way for free and fair elections. Get support from SADC, AU, UN and other world gorvening boardies so that we as zim can have a direction. Please Please this is long long overdue we can't afford anyother wastated day by these zanu and mdc guys. FULLY BIHIND THE MOVEMENT
ReplyDeleteDr, with the definition and attributes that you outlined, I wonder if it is still possible to assign the tag 'leader/s' to our current crop. Thank you for taking time to enlighten us on what to expect from leaders and also what not to expect from leaders. With this I refer to the part where the leaders in campaign go out in full force saying 'we will do this and that for you' as is now synonymous with our elections, even if it means having to give us fish everytime when the lake and fishing rods are within reach. Reaching out to people telling them what to expect from leaders is one form of empowerment. You mentioned the idea of a GM rarely p paying a visit to the factory. I mean to draw parallel on one of our aspiring leaders who is ever out of the country not even taking time to visit the cholera patients and those who are there, taking the pandemic lightly as can be seen by the conflicting numbers in cholera deaths. The reason why the talks are failing is lack of political will and sheer arrogance. FULLY BEHIND THE MOVEMENT
ReplyDeleteI am of two minds, whether to join you, or MDC Mutambara. What is clear, however is that between the two of you, you guys have the right ideas. Zanu and MDC-T are two sides of the same coin, and neither is going to deliver the country. You two guys (Makoni & Mutambara)are also two sides of the same coin, and my feeling is that a combined party incorporating the two of you would be Zimbabwe's best bet. Be that as it may, I am keeen to contribute towards a progressive, intellectually-based and pragmatic movement which will fight for the ultimate deliverance of the country from the twin evils it's currently under the hands of. Looking forward to your response, and more importantly, to the formation of a progressive party that actually takes the bull by the horns NOW!!! Give us details of how to join asap
ReplyDeleteMany who believe in the vision of the movement are saddened that until the next election in 2013 (and I believe that is when the next election will be), we really do not have any recourse in this country. We will comment and hope and wish that everything was one way or another but our hands are tied. The entire country are victims of the gross failures of our systems and leadership ... there are no checks and balances in our leadership structures, everything stems from one source.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thank you Dr. Makoni for your courageous stance against incredible odds. I just hope you will have the energy to stay the course for the next 4 years, because we definitely need an alternative leadership.
Can the blog page or website also have options on where we can contribute what we will need in the country in future to avoid a repetition of the mess we are in.
finally! someone who can articulate the root of the zimbabwean problem so well. We have no leaders. they drive the flock from behind and they do not go before as they should. Educate us only to disempower us by enacting policies that make it virtually immpossible for us to thrive.Come election time, they make all sorts of promises and pretend to advocate democratic principles only to us brute force to to make us vote for them.they would rather be Kings over us than serve. The sooner this party is formed the better i think.... Zanupf, we will remember what u did come next election.
ReplyDeleteeverything that the doctor said is true. We are tired of being taken advantage by politicians who think they can play games with our lives & the future of our country. We demand leaders to serve us & I think we can ensure this by having water-tight constitutions that allow little room for politicians to take advantage of the office or to use state apparatus to stay in power. We need measures to enforce our own laws & to ensure that laws are not flouted by those who should be enforcing them. How can a country fail to uphold the rule of law for close to 12 years (Remember Willowgate were corrupt gvnmnt officials were pardoned instead of facing the music).
ReplyDeleteOn the Issue of the Movement, I think enough groundwork has been covered to transform the movement into a political party. The constitution can always be amended but I think we need to prepare for coming elections.
The role of technology in politics is huge. It's a pity technology/internet is not affordable for the general population otherwise we would pluck out the evil bum using "e-Simba".
ReplyDeleteThe speech is indeed insightful but predictable. A rundown of the events leading to our predicament, a detailed description of our predicament, a suggestion on the presription.
ACTION WILL OBVIOUSLY BE THE NEXT GIANT LEAP! It is very complex to find a working formula for a divided country hardly keen on taking the initiative. We can help each other determine a working initiative which may not necessarily be the most peaceful. Zanu's strongest weapon is dialogue and dragging talks for donkey years. It seems they have counter measures for any kind of wit..given the knowledge and muscle they have amassed over the years.
Simba rightfully expects us to initiate the process of seeking genuine and transparent democracy because logically it's only the people who can determine their own destiny. If we are unbale to rise as a unified force against the decadence then our feedback to the government is that we are a toothless and hapless people.
Action speaks louder than words and also sets things in motion or at least determines the real yardsticks in our quest for freedom and deliverance from the shackles of bondage. 5-10 years of planning can go to waste if we are not realistic about the strategies we deploy i.e attempting dialogue where inapplicable like in this current scenario. What will make this plan unique and a winning one?
There is great evidence of a unique strategy but its effectiveness can only be measured through it's success or failure rate during execution. Words can be as sweet as honey and melodic as Macheso's tunes but what counts is the effect of the melody.
The people now see little logic in swaying parades because the pain and anguish has penetrated down the thickest of skins.
It good to hear Dr Makoni's vision and to see that some people still have hope. From what I have understood he is just saying we want to be a Republic again. Where every man and woman has the same rights. Where everyone's voice and vote actually matter.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately most people no longer have this hope and the question on the silent majority's lips is "Kusvika rini…?" Retelling all the problems that Zimbabweans are facing at this point just sounds like a broken record which keeps replaying over and over.
Do we wait until we win an election?
Do we wait until Tsvangirai wins or he gets the power he wants?
Do we wait for nature to take its course?
What will give the silent majority hope is the answer.
Dr Simba Makoni your vision for a new Zimbabwe is indeed a democratic vision and that is exactly what we need in Zimbabwe. You have successfully sold your vision to me and I am sure a lot of intellectuals can relate to that vision but I am not sure about the ordinary Zimbabweans out there (they make three quaters of the population) who still link you to Zanu-PF, a party that has brought this country this far in the doldrums. I would suggest that you think of a strategy to convince them that you have completely divorced yourself from Zanu-PF first and then sell your vision to them. The sooner you do that the better so that come time for elections they would have got used to the idea of you as an activist who is not aligned to Zanu-PF.
ReplyDeleteYour vision is very noble and I can relate to it so I am in with you, if you can give me details as to how to join.
Some months ago, on the 5th of May 2008, I wrote my own vision for a new Zimbabwe on my blog and it fits in perfectly with your vision. If you don't mind reading the article entitled, "Renewal of Zimbabwe," on
Thank you Dr. Makoni. I trully share your vision and have always believed that leaders are there to serve and not to be "served" and spoiled as we see in today's Zimbabwe. I am happy that Dr. Makoni you have devoted yourself to addressing the issue of leadership holistically ( as it relates to human beings in life and not just politics and business). I do not know how such information could be passed on to the less priveledged in terms of literacy in the queen's language,physical location (rural vs urban)and above all limited media. This is information that every Zimbabwean needs to access so that come voting time they make informed decisions. I think these are issues that the movement needs to have at the back of the mind while in the process of conversion into a political party. Our rural colleagues in particular need to be well informed on all issues that concern them so that we do not end up with emotional decisions but rather informed decisions. We should never have anything like a "protest vote" as has happened or been claimed of recent past. While it is good to take time to plan I personally think the movement should quicken the speed a bit so that in the event of an election being called within the next 18 to 24 months the new party will be ready and raring to go.
ReplyDeleteFor as long as the Movement and the Party to succeed it believes in leadership that is there to serve then count me one of you.
l don't doubt that one day you could be our next President. Your article is so clear and straight to the point. But please go around the country and preach that gospel so that every Tom and Dick can understand what you are talking about. The world requires civilized leaders not politicians. But you should realize that Zimbabwe is on fire at the moment and the people require Change that they can believe in and leadership renewal, so if you have an alternative solutions please ACT NOW. The people of Zimbabwe are sick and tired and they have waited for so long.
ReplyDeleteOn the issue of leadership the people of Zimbabwe are calling for a leader who is accountable, responsible, reliable and consistent.
On the issue of women l strongly believe that positions should be awarded on merit rather that on gender or quota systems.
Please act now so that you can became our Zimbabwean Obama
You have said it all well Dr Makoni, and I don't doubt your sincerity - in fact, my inner man responded positively to you way back in March. The real challenge now lies in converting people to share the same ideas and values: but I believe that as soon as the party is formed and a good activist leadership is in place, ways of formenting an Obama-hurricane can be found - this is what we need to move forward!
ReplyDeleteRegional Diasporan
Thank God you finally came out to be counted. Dr, your vision for the nation alone is enough proof that you are the man we have been waiting for. However, changing the mindset of the majoroty of the ordinary Zimbabwean from focusing on hatred triggered by the anti-Mugabe campaign driven by the MDC without a positive vision for rebuilding the nation into believing in your dream will take more than launching a party and the previous campaign. I believe the reason why they left you out of the talks is because they both wanted power too bad to accept the man of principle you are to mess up their motives with truth.And i am conviced that because of your impersonal vision and unbiased perception you hold the key solution to the problem of the ZANU PF - MDC conflict. Once you deal with this challenge, then you will win the trust of the skeptic opposition supporters who are still misguided by following emotions more than principle. I am a pastor and the reason why iam writing this is not because i want to be a politician, NO! i believe that God has given me a prophetic word that will propel your vision into realisation. i have written a message from my email to your website to book for an appointment with the Dr, and i am waiting for your response when you manage to accomodate me in your busy schedule. it is my honur and the priviledge of my nation to have a man like you offer himself to serve a nation in a crisis just as we are.