"Tsvangirai Is Mentally Unstable" - Mugabe

Robert "The Solution" Mugabe arrives today at Heroes Acre in Harare for the burial of a senior ZANU PF senator who was declared a National Hero this last week. Mugabe used the occasion to call Morgan Tsvangirai "mad" and said he is still committed to working with the madman. He says the parties are talking. The SADC Ministerial team that was here has now left and there will be no Extraordinary Summit to address Zimbabwe's problems, despite all the posturing and propaganda Harare, Zimbabwe, 31 October 2009 Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe with the blessing of Morgan Tsvangirai despite losing losing an election in March last year, told a gathering at Heroes Acre in Harare today that Morgan Tsvangirai is "not mentally stable." He said this even as he insisted that the parties are talking and working through their problems. Wheat. Chaff. Let's separate. Mugabe was speaking today having addressed the Central Committee of his party, ZANU PF, yesterd...